
Sunday, November 13, 2005

Happy Birthday, Daddy!

I was in San Diego this week, and was there on my birthday (Friday, November 11th). It was a great trip, but quite an anticlimactic place to spend El Numero 30. Henry, sensing his Dad's angst, decided to send me an email with this picture attached. Isn't he just darling! So, this message danced along the internet across the country, only to be foiled by the airport's wireless hookup. I ended up reading it in my office at home (after returning), but it was very cool nonetheless. Sarah held down the fort when I was gone, and Henry (I hear) was a doll baby the whole time.

When I got back (on the redeye), I went straight (I mean straight) to the Buckeyes game to see them throttle Northwestern. Then I crashed on Sarah's parents' couch. Crazy day! Then I took it easy today.

Tomorrow ... back to work, Rayo!

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