
Monday, November 28, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving!

This dude is just too freakin' adorable for words. This is his preppie look. I've assured him that we won't always dress him like a prepski, but it's just too hard to resist the little dude with the sweater vest! He keeps telling me that he's too "street" for this outfit, but I think he's frontin'. At least that's what I tell myself.

He is now 17 lbs. 17 lbs! Maybe I've already written that somewhere, but it's pretty crazy for me to think about.

Uncle James and Aunt Rachel recorded their first babysitting experience with the boy. We had called Los Abuelos Thornburg first, but they were out watching a movie so we called reinforcements. James jumped at the chance to get a little Henry time. It is very cool how much everyone digs this kid. We went and saw Harry Potter, James and Henry had some man time, and everyone had a grand time! Except for Grandma T, who (I'm told) scowled a bit at having some Henry time slip through her fingers. Drats!

For those of you scoring at home, score one for James. Take half of it away, though, because he put on latex gloves when he changed the baby. Who's the baby, exactly? Just kidding -- thanks James and Rachel for bailing some parents out, allowing them a taste of adult time.

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