
Friday, September 15, 2006

Thank you Grandma Pitts!

A surprise package landed on our doorstep on Wednesday. No note, no card ... big mystery. Who delivered it? What was inside it? Inside were some very cool Alaska-themed finger puppets and a T-Shirt from Sitka, Alaska (http://www.sitka.com/ or http://maps.google.com/maps?oi=map&q=Sitka,+AK).

Now how, do you ask, does a flimsy Godiva bag filled with gifts for Henry purchased in Alaska show up on my doorstep? Answer: Henry has a sneaky Grandma who lives in Tampa, just got back from her Alaskan cruise, and is currently travelling through southern Africa. She gave it to a courier (her pal Tom) who returned to Columbus and dropped it off, all secret-like.

Thank you thank you! Henry has a finger puppet in each hand, and is (obviously) wearing the shirt in this picture. Come home safely and we'll see you soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Greetings from South Africa !!!
Hey - glad you figured out the mystery - but that was part of the fun... and I'm glad the shirt fits still... I love you - see you soon - all is well except I got layrngitis from all the dust in the park... GO BUCKS!!!