
Sunday, May 20, 2007

Never (I mean never) expect to sleep in

Oh Patron Saint of Insomnia, in what way did we vex you? Was it our hubris in thinking that Henry was ready for a big boy bed? Was it our naive assumption that, since Henry got up early the day before and went to sleep late, we might be able to sleep in? Do you simply have it in for us since we're parents and you obviously don't like parents?

Please consider the destruction of Henry's crib as a peace offering. A token, really, of how much we are willing to do to garner your favor. Destroying a bed is the ultimate symbol of insomnia ... take this crib so that we can live (and by live I obviously mean sleep)!

Please consider last night our penance and let us go on our way. Please consider Henry's 2:30 AM nightmare and his subsequent wailing and inability to get to sleep. Please consider that, after all other techniques were used, we brought him into bed with us, ensuring that sound sleep would not be visiting either of us. Please consider Henry getting up at 6:00 in the morning, when both of us knew that he would not go back to sleep. Please consider all of this as you determine our fate! I know, I know ... we've had it easy the last year as Henry's been sleeping well. The simple fact is that we're not used to it anymore ... and Henry isn't taking naps all day, and if the dude is awake, he's running (and running and running).

If that isn't enough, then there's a fiver in my jeans on the dresser just for you.

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