
Thursday, June 14, 2007

Loving the Rose Festival!

Henry blowing a kiss
Originally uploaded by hepcatrayo.
Henry has been growing and changing and is still absolutely adorable. This is a picture of him at the Rose Festival in Clintonville. We strollered up with Tenzin and Aunt Rachel, and Uncle James met us there. Henry danced and ran and "smelled" the roses. Actually, he tried to smell them by exhaling through his mouth (which we tried to explain to him was "blowing", not "smelling"). He then found a stick and started "fixing" the trees. And he hiked his first hill. I successfully taught him that it is proper form that, once on top of the tree, it is proper to collapse in a heap of exhaustion, wheezing "Hoo ... hoil ... that was hard!" He was a big fan.

In other news, bedtime has once again changed, and I think we've finally got the hang of this round. We negotiate how many books (default: 2) and how many songs (default: 1) that we'll have before bedtime, then a quick hug and a kiss and Night Night. There was a week of short-lived crying about this new plan, but we're cool now. Weird aside: Henry started talking about his "sister" during bedtime this week. And no, there's nothing to it ... it's actually kind of eerie ... does he know something that WE don't know?

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