
Tuesday, July 05, 2005

On the third day ... we rested!

This is the first day that we had Henry at home all day. Let the insomnia begin! Surprisingly, there aren't any nurses to whisk Henry off to the nursery just in the nick of time as he starts fussing. It's all us! The sleeping isn't like I thought it would be, though. It's not like we don't sleep ... it's more like we're trying to drink the ocean with a straw. You might want to catch up on your sleep by cashing out for 12 hours, but you only get a couple (if you're lucky).

So ... we nap! And nap, and nap, and nap.

I will resist the urge to gush for two more paragraphs about my son ... let me only say that having your newborn son fall asleep on your chest is a little bit of magic.

Hit me with some feedback in the comments section if there's anything about Henry that I haven't shared yet that you want to know.

Alright, back to sleep ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Mike and Sarah! Henry is beautiful :-)