
Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Henry's big week

Last week was HUGE for Mr. Henry. He started the week just starting to rock back and forth on his hands and knees and just started thinking about table food. Up to now, Henry had been refusing to crawl with headstrong fortitude that is only customary and expected from Sarah's and my child. We found him sitting up in the crib on Sunday, which totally freaked us out (how did he DO that?), which necessitated us changing his crib out of "newborn" mode and into "infant/toddler" mode, ensuring that he wouldn't fall out if he stood up. The very next morning, he greeted us by singing sweetly into the monitor. We opened the door to see him STANDING in the crib, grinning from ear to ear. HOLY CRAP! One more day of newborn-styley crib would have found a very adventurous Henry on the floor of his bedroom.

He also decided that crawling was his thing. He got sick and tired of not being able to get to things that he wanted to play with / maul / eat. So he just started it up. He is still a much bigger fan of walking, but will crawl if he has to. Speaking of walking, he's getting around quite easily as long as he can hold on to something (usually Mommy's or Daddy's hand) with one hand, leaving the other free to cause havoc. He's a quick little dude!

And he figured out that he could feed himself, and digs on some new foods. He's now eating all kinds of berries (loves raspberries ... another Grandpa Henry -and Grandma Peg- homage, methinks), digs on cantaloupe, loves hummos (who knew?), and routinely chomps on Cheerios and crackers with his front two bottom teeth. There's still some baby food in the mix, but not too much.

The capper for the week is that we all walked or ran in Race for the Cure, the proceeds going to fight breast cancer. Henry strollered, proudly wearing a shirt with the embroidered message "I race for my Grandmas". Grammy Bob and Grandma Thornburg are both survivors, and both participated.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

pictures please!