
Friday, June 09, 2006

Mobile Henry

No, I'm not talking about a handheld version of Henry that you can take everywhere with you. I'm talking about a Henry that can get around. He's moving, friends, and that means that baby gates are up, kitties are nervous, and parents are having mini heart attacks every twenty minutes or so. Here's where Henry has been lately. Click on them to view them full size.

Henry at Busch Gardens, posing and down for the count.

At the beach with Gramma Schmidt (not pictured), and at Race for the Cure (check out the shirt: adorable!) Both of his Columbus Grammas (actually, Gramma and Grammy) are breast cancer survivors. Daddy ran the 5k with uncle Jonna, and Henry strollered the 1 mile fun walk.

These pics are in Dayton. On the left, his pal Camden is trying to get three points for the takedown. Henry resists, and scores a point for himself. On the right, Henry's first "popsicle", a frozen strawberry bar.

Henry loves the water. Here's an action shot in his new swimming pool (thank you Grammy Bob!) and a little craziness in the bath.


James, Rachel and Tenzin said...


James, Rachel and Tenzin said...
