
Sunday, August 30, 2009

Birthday's! - Henry's and America's

Henry turned 4! Henry turned 4! As usual, the small family birthday that we had in mind ballooned up to 20 people (we just don't have a small family, and really need to come to grips with it!). Gramma Schmidt made an appearance. Auntie Pammie called him during the festivities.  And all of the usual suspects were there: Grammy and Grandpa Rayo, Gaga and Papa, Jimmy, Erin, and Asia, and James, Rachel, and Tenzin.  Uncle Jonna was noticeably absent ... we hope to see him soon!

Henry's big present this year was a big-boy bike, replete with training wheels.  Have no fear, the frown that you see on his face has nothing to do with the bike. He has inherited his mother's absolute and complete loathing of cameras, and slapped that face on just before all the flashes went off.


Along with Henry, the country had it's birthday, and it was the first time that Emerson witnessed it! He wasn't all that impressed, sleeping through both the parade and the fireworks.  Henry, however, was quite engaged and excited, and saluted the servicemen.

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Henry also had his first "friend" birthday this year along with his family birthday. We did pretty well for having 10 4 yr. olds (all boys except one) caged inside a Graeter's, plied with ice cream and cake, and set loose.  Everyone lived, and much revelry was had.

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