
Friday, July 29, 2005

Grabby Grabby!

The day has come where Henry's arms and hands are not completely mindless appendages. When we brought him home from the hospital, arms sprawled and curled up randomly. This is no longer true. Most of the arm movement is still relatively random, except that those arms simply detest being covered up. Ole Swaddly Joe does not like his arms in the bundle, they gotta breath, man!

Those hands, though ... they resemble Venus Flytraps. They just hang out, looking cute. You know, baby hands, right? Wrong. If anything gets close to them, they're doomed. Here are a couple stories ...

Henry found his own hair a couple of days ago. His hands meandered up to his hair, the Flytraps detected something, and they latched on. As we all know, pulling hair is not cool .. it hurts! So Henry got upset, which just made the Flytraps latch on harder. Pull harder ... get madder ... pull harder ... what a tragedy! It took two grown adults working together to pull Henry away from, well, Henry.

The very next day, the young lad got me in a double death grip. We were just goofing around and I got my face too close to the Flytraps (I should know better, right?). One latched on to my nostrils, and the other gripped furiously onto my bottom lip. We hung out there for a couple of minutes ... that's when I didn't think it was cute anymore.

As a sidenote, he also got a handful of my chest hair. Don't worry, all hairs in the incident are still attached, present and accounted for.

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