
Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Isn't this kid cool?

I wanted to make sure that you all got your baby fix today, and got to see the latest Henry pic. This was taken about three hours ago. Henry really digs this toy (thank you Steve and Bonnie -- I think), and will chill out with all of his Baby Einstein friends for quite a while. This is a big deal, because this baby doesn't like to do two things:
  • Sleep
  • Sit still and hang out quietly
He likes moving it, and moving it, and moving it well. He digs on taking laps through the house, bouncing on beds, or anything else that is kinetic. He does not like things that hold him in place. Like Daddy trying to take a nap, or laying him down to do the same. These things need to be finessed with Prince Henry (pronounced on-REE). This magic carpet seems to do the trick (for now, anyway), which is music to his parents' ears.

NEWSFLASH: I have been talking to Henry quite a bit about writing his first blog entry, and he has relented. His thought now is that if he could write most of you letters while still in the womb, what's stopping him from blogging now? Also, Sarah may be convinced to blog. Maybe you guys want to hear a couple other viewpoints about how this new family thing is going?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well, well, well...
that acorn didn't fall very far from the tree... hahaha

Michael, you were awake all day, standing and pushing on your feet whenever possible and checking EVERYTHING out in your world... lifting your head up and looking around... we used to kid about you worrying that you would miss something, that's why you wouldn't sleep during the day... at night to get you to sleep I would lay you on the floor, looking at a cabinet for you to get bored, and then you would eat and go down until the morning... ah, parenthood...