
Saturday, July 16, 2005

Big weekend ...

(this part was written Saturday night)

Henry, who is fussing in his crib (not crying, just fussing) has had quite a weekend. Some more friends have come to see him from out of town, which shouldn't be surprising by this point. Everyone digs on the Henry, and they come from miles around to see the babe.

In addition to this, though, Henry has attended his first wedding (congratulations Molly and Ben!) and his first party (thanks to the host, MattE). He was a perfect gentleman at both auspicious occasions, and wowed the crowd.

(then Henry woke up, and Daddy didn't get to finish the blog until Sunday night)

At the wedding, the bride specifically asked to see Henry. Pretty important little dude! The bridesmaids ooh'ed and aah'ed over the little guy until it was finally time for us to take our seats. The wedding ceremony was beautiful, and the music was incredible, but I just stared at Henry the whole time. Big Daddy Dershaw sat with us ... hey Brian, could you email us the picture you snapped of us in the pew? I'll add it to this post. After the wedding, I went solo to the reception, abandoning my family. I didn't stay very long.

Anyway, the important part was that HENRY WAS AWESOME THE WHOLE WEDDING. Perfect angel.

He was just as perfect at the party the next evening. Henry crashed MattE's party and totally stole the show again. We were hooked up in the Baby Bjorn (I'll include pictures of that soon) and he was chill the entire time. Momma got some mediterranean appetizers, and Dad got a brat and a burger. Mmmmm good.

More on the exploits of Henry tomorrow. And I'll have another picture, all you grandmas and grandpas out there.

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